Thursday, 23 April 2020

ANZCA biscuits

so today I have made some ANZCA biscuits  here is a  photo


I have made some play-doh why w are is lock down here are two of the things  I have made
1 sea turtle 2 a frog head  here are the photos


I have made a lego sence of people remembering  ANZCA day  here is a photo

Thursday, 16 April 2020

ANZAC facts on ANZAC

Anzac day is the day that we remember the people that thought in the war
What does anzac stand for ? Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
It’s on 25 of april  

 Anzac day is a public holiday.


    I draw a poppy for ANZAC day and put it on my window


     for ANZAC day I have made  a milk carter art  I used  a vivd's to draw stuff and  wirte  some things  here are  four photo